Reading Time: 2 minutes

About SKN AM

Produced by Urban Kreationz, SKN AM is a morning show keenly focused on the personal stories, interests and brilliance of ordinary people. We aim to entertain and inform with original content and unbiased discussions of the issues affecting our way of life in St Kitts and Nevis and the surrounding areas. Not only will we discuss the news, but we will consider its impact on everyday life.

SKN AM Promo

Accordingly, we will examine local legislative and policy decisions from non-partisan perspectives. We will examine developments in international organizations with domestic implications. We will delve into the lives of entrepreneurs, agricultural professionals, and public and private sector workers to the extent that our audience may derive benefit. We will also examine the impact of cultural and creative developments on our identity as nationals of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Our Audience

Our target audience comprises of the following groups:

(a) Nationals of Saint Kitts and Nevis; (b) Caribbean nationals with a curiosity for the similarities and distinctions between the people of Saint Kitts and Nevis and their homeland; (c) Academics; and (d) Entrepreneurs and other professionals.

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    Jamie Morris

    Typically replies within a day

    Jamie Morris

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteEver since I could remember, I have been fascinated by media.  My first opportunity to volunteer as a radio announcer and newswriter came in 2002 when I interned at a local radio station.  That was followed by a year-long stint six years after at another radio station.  Thankfully, I have had many opportunities to work in that space over the years and each time I enjoy it even more than before.

    When Urban Kreationz launched in October of 2016 I welcomed new opportunities to develop new skills while leveraging my professional experience in education and media and my academic background in computer science.  Accordingly, the business is as diverse as those interests and my responsibilities are in line with them.

    My Responsibilities:

    • Imaje Media & Marketing
    • The Klassroom
    • Podcasts -
      • Youth Culture
      • SKN AM
      • Creativity Redefined
    Urban Kreationz
    Creativity Redefined
    Let us know how we can help.
    Urban Kreationz
    Typically replies within a day
    Urban Kreationz
    Hi there 👋

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